UNIDO Global Call Award Ceremony

Global Call for Innovative Solutions in Cleantech and Sustainable Land Management

Besides the COVID-19 crisis, subject of last year’s UNIDO Global Call, climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. The world faces the immediate need to reduce global emission levels and to prevent further emissions growth in rapidly developing regions.


To tap into innovative private sector solutions to these challenges, UNIDO ITPO Germany in collaboration with the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Network (ITP Network), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the German Think Tank Future Cleantech Architects (FCA) launched the Global Call for Innovative Solutions in Cleantech and Sustainable Land Management in July 2021.


Of almost 300 private sector applications from 71 countries, the international jury of experts has identified innovative solutions that have the potential to be scaled and have a significant impact to strengthen the international fight against climate change in each of the four strategic categories:


  1. Decarbonizing growing urban environments
  2. Clean and efficient energy generation and storage
  3. Circular production and industrial processes
  4. Sustainable land management

On 26 October, the best innovative solutions will be awarded at the UNIDO Global Call 2021 Award Ceremony. The winning companies will introduce their technological solutions and demonstrate how their projects can contribute to addressing adverse effects of climate change and contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development. Expert speakers from the Global Call jury members from UNIDO, UNCCD and UNFCCC will contribute their valuable expertise to give the audience an insight into the challenges and opportunities of the four strategic categories.


The event will be moderated by UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office Germany (ITPO Germany), initiator of this year’s Global Call, in cooperation with Future Cleantech Architects (FCA), a leading German Think Tank.


You are cordially invited to join the Award Ceremony virtually and via livestream and celebrate the technologies that UNIDO, UNFCCC and UNCCD have assessed to be the best innovative solutions in cleantech and sustainable land management.


For further information on the Global Call, please visit the dedicated website.

To attend the Award Ceremony virtually, please register here.


WHEN: 26 September 2021, 17:30 -19:30 CEST

WHERE: The ceremony will take place in Remscheid, Germany, hosted in the Teo Otto Theater and livestreamed on the UNIDO YouTube Account

MODERATOR: Ms. Vanessa Voelkel

Deputy Head of UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Germany


Mr. Peter Schniering

Founder of Future Cleantech Architects


Congratulatory Message

Mr. Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento (tbc)

Managing Director, Directorate of Digitalization, Technology and Agri-Business, and Director, Department of Digitalization, Technology and Innovation, UNIDO


Category 1: Decarbonizing growing urban environments

Awarding the winners

Speaker: Ms. Abimbola Olufore

Head of UNIDO ITPO Nigeria


Category 2: Clean and efficient energy generation storage

Awarding the winners

Speaker: Mr. Andrea Camponogara

TEC Liaison Officer, Technology Sub-division, UNFCCC


Category 3: Circular production and industrial processes

Awarding the winners

Speaker: Mr. Alois Mhlanga (tbc)

Chief, Climate Technology and Innovations Division, UNIDO


Category 4: Sustainable land management

Awarding the winners

Speaker: Camilla Nordheim-Larsen

Senior Partnerships Coordinator, UNFCCC