In 2019, UNIDO ITPO Germany brought together two players, Boreal Light and Cleanshield Group. The two company joined forces in Burani Village in the Eastern Coastal area of Kenya to address the most urgent development challenges of the community. They not only for the first time provided affordable clean hygienic drinking water but also boosted agricultural production.
One of UNIDO ITPO Germany’s key activities is fostering the matchmaking between German companies and companies from developing countries and emerging economies. Therefore, UNIDO ITPO Germany hosts international delegations, undertakes company visits and participates in leading national and international trade fairs.
ITPO Germany’s partnership approach to investment and technology promotion includes close cooperation and dialogue with Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs), ministries and other business development organizations. Usually, the Delegate Programme lasts for up to two weeks and comprises pre-arranged business meetings, investment seminars and may include participation in specialized trade shows and conferences.
In 2020, ITPO Germany started a cooperation with the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE). One key activity of the cooperation is the joint publication “DRE Innovations to Boost Agri-Sector Productivity & Address Global Food System Challenges”. UNIDO ITPO Germany and ARE researched for key innovations and lessons learnt from around the world, especially from emerging markets. 15 successful case studies showcase technological innovations that sustainably increase productivity in the agricultural sector using DRE technologies and thus help solve challenges in the global food system.