Off-Grid Expo and Delegate Programme

Augsburg / Southern Germany / Frankfurt, 29 November – 08 December 2024

The Off-Grid Expo & Conference is a leading energy event focusing on the off-grid solar, wind and hydropower systems sector. ITPO Germany organized a 30 square-meter pavilion with five innovative co-exhibitors active in energy, agribusiness and mobility. The co-exhibiting companies Anywhere.Berlin, Asantys Systems, Volta View, Empo-ni Off-grid Solutions, and UEV AG had the chance to showcase their technologies and connect with potential partners. 

At the parallel conference, ITPO Germany launched its new publication about E-mobility and Decentralized Renewable Energy Solutions in emerging economies together with its partner Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE). The publication features 13 innovative case studies and one expert interview and highlights key recommendations for future projects in that field. 

In addition to the trade show, ITPO Germany also organized the visit of a private sector delegation from Somalia and Sudan and organized a dedicated B2B matchmaking session at the conference. 

The Delegate Programme was jointly organized with UNIDO ITPO Italy and UNIDO offices and projects in Somalia and Sudan. In addition to various meetings at the trade fair, the representatives had the opportunity to meet institutions and companies in Germany during additional four days: 

The group met with representatives from the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, attended the World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator Pitch event, participated in a workshop with Innotech Ingenieurs-Gesellschaft mbH (world market leader in solar drying equipment), and met with Bauer subsidiary GWE group in Schrobenhausen where they discussed the company’s solutions for water drilling and irrigation. 

Furthermore, the delegates met with Maschinenringe e.V. to study the concept and organization of the machinery rings. The group also visited KTI-Plersch Kältetechnik GmbH, a leading industrial machinery manufacturer of ice machines for various purposes, such as cooling of fish at local markets.  

Before heading to Frankfurt to meet with the country portfolio managers for Sudan and Somalia, the delegation visited a farm with 400 dairy cows and a biogas plant, co-organized with Agrarkontake International (AKI) and visited the drone manufacturer Wingcopter in Darmstadt.