Delegate Programme: Interpack Trade Show 2023

Dusseldorf, 04 – 10 May 2023

Packaging is a crucial element for almost every sector in order to preserve food, pharmaceuticals or cosmetic products and therefore avoid food losses, increase efficiency, and preserve natural resources which build the basis for the packaging industry. The Delegate Progamme on Packaging Solutions was organized in line with UNIDO’s priorities put forward by Director General Gerd Müller, in particular “supporting sustainable supply chains” and “ending hunger by cutting post-harvest losses and developing agribusiness value chains”. The delegation consisted of 20 participants from 7 countries, who had been carefully selected out of 8o applications after an Africa-wide call for expressions of interest. 

The delegation was welcomed to Interpack by Pierre Pienaar, President of the World Packaging Organization. The group had the chance to connect with the organization during informal talks after the welcoming speech. The delegates were also briefed by Richard Clemens, Managing Director of the Process Plant and Equipment Association in
the packaging sector (VDMA) with more than 300 member companies. ITPO Germany, together with VDMA, organized numerous company visits during the Interpack trade fair to connect the delegation to various technology providers and showcase the
latest innovations in the packaging sector. The delegates also had the opportunity to meet with Aleksa Mirkovic, Project Associate at UNIDO’s Food Security and Food Systems Unit to learn more about UNIDO’s activities in the sector.

Networking Event and Financing Workshop

ITPO Germany and VDMA organized the networking event “Africa Meets Interpack”, where interested stakeholders had the opportunity to meet the African delegation of ITPO Germany and technology providers who are interested in the African market. The networking event was a good opportunity to learn about investment opportunities in various African countries and to bridge the connection to innovative technology
providers to promote technology transfer towards the African continent, in line with the shared vision outlined in the Joint Declaration between UNIDO and VDMA signed in 2013.

In Cologne, the delegation met DEG (German Investment Corporation), a subsidiary of German development bank KfW, which offers financing opportunities, especially targeted at developing countries. Franziska Hollmann, Director of Corporate Finance Africa at DEG, facilitated the meeting and welcomed the group. The meeting was joined by financing-expert and founder of Pro QUADRIGA, Ralf Pepmoeller, as well as two
representatives from Euler Hermes, a company which is commissioned to implement the federal funding instruments Export Credit Guarantees and United Loan Guarantees.

Company Visits

Just a quick drive from DEG, the delegation met Tahsin Dag, founder and CEO of the Colognebased local champion Papacks, which produces sustainable packaging for various sectors sourced from renewable materials. The company’s aim is to eliminate the use of plastics for packaging in various industries such as foods and beverages,
pharmaceuticals, industry products and cosmetics. The delegates had the opportunity to take part in a factory tour and to learn more about the research and development as well as the possibilities to use tropical plants such as palm trees or banana trees as a potential source for fibre.

The German federal state of North RhineWestphalia is also home to a major production and development site of SIG Combibloc Systems GmbH, the second largest producer of aseptic packaging solutions and technology. In meetings with the EMEA team of SIG, the delegates could discuss their plans for industrial upgrading and get informed about the latest product developments. SIG also runs its own charitable foundation, whose project Cartons for Good in Bangladesh won Interpack’s SAVE FOOD project competition.